The firewall settings of the machine (server), where the Docker container runs, must allow outbound connections to the following ports for TCP and UDP: 10000, 30000, 31000, 31001, 6000, 6001, 6002, 22 as TARGET ports. The ping (ICMP) from this machine to the 5G-iiot-devices must be allowed as well.
The firewall settings of the 5G-iiot-devices must allow inbound connections for the same ports for TCP and UDP. The ping to this device must be allowed as well.
🐋 Docker installation
- Install the Docker Engine following the instructions: Install Docker Engine
▶️ Starting the Docker container
- Download the latest docker image (.tar file) from the repository: Docker Image Repo
- Load the Docker image from the downloaded file
sudo docker load < 5g-iiot-checker-25-06.tar
List docker images to make sure the image is loaded
sudo docker images
- Create the volume for the database
sudo docker volume create checker_pgdata
- Create a folder somewhere locally for storing the logs from the application. The content of the folder might be asked to provide for investigating potential problems. Please create a new folder every time you start the container
- Move to desired location
- Create an empty folder:
mkdir 5g-iiot-tester-logs
- Move to desired location
- Start the instance of the docker image:
sudo docker run --mount type=volume,src=checker_pgdata,dst=/var/lib/postgresql/15/main -d -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v $(pwd):/code/net_tester_logs --network=host --restart always --cap-add NET_RAW --name 5g-tester 5g-iiot-checker-25-06
⏹️ How to stop the container
To stop the docker container run
sudo docker stop 5g-tester
f you want to start the docker container again, either choose a new --name
argument in the command for running the container (in the example the used --name
is 5g-tester
) or remove the container instance from the history
sudo docker rm 5g-tester